Walton Goggins’ “majestic” teeth have long been admired by the Twitterati. His teeth, in fact, have a small following of their own.
Many people are unaware that Goggin’s teeth are not real; they are false teeth that he obtained after he knocked them out a second time. When he first lost his teeth, how did he do it? That is definitely a story worth recounting.
Walton Goggins Caught a Ball With His Mouth
During a 2016 interview on the talk show Conan, Goggins retold the story of how he lost his front two teeth as a teenager while at baseball practice.
When Goggins was in fifth grade, he was late to baseball practice and was forced to take a lap as a penalty.
He was just getting started, sprinting to centerfield when he heard his name called out. He quickly turned around as he heard them cry “Walton.”
A baseball became trapped between his lips as he turned around.
His two front teeth were laying on the ground next to him after he caught the baseball with his mouth.
Walton Goggins and His Teeth Visited the Emergency Room
Everyone was understandably terrified. He wouldn’t grow a new set of teeth because they were not baby teeth that had fallen out. Goggins’ mother’s then-boyfriend was in the neighborhood because he rushed Goggins and his two teeth to the emergency room.
Once he was at the ER, Goggins didn’t have a clear picture of what happened. Still, he remembered the doctor in the ER talking to a dentist on the phone, and he added,
The doctor quickly pushed the teeth back into the gap they’d created in his gums. The doctor did not even administer a local anesthetic, according to Goggins.
It remains one of the most traumatic incidents in the actor’s life to this day. The teeth took, attached to the roots, and healed, thankfully.
The front teeth of Walton Goggins were simply not meant to be.
Goggins had no idea they wouldn’t be staying there for long.
Goggins lost his front teeth again a year and a half after the traumatic tragedy when he plunged into the shallow end of a swimming pool. As he dove in, he hit the pool’s bottom face first, knocking out his front teeth.
The physicians were unable to restore the teeth this time, and they were also unable to replace them with permanent substitutes. As a result, he wore removable false teeth for the duration of his high school career.
He got his removable dentures replaced with a set of permanent fixes at some point in the future. Unfortunately, there are no before and after images to compare.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story behind Walton Goggins’ “majestic” teeth.