Lela Rochon Staples, better known by her stage name Lela Rochon, is a proud mother of two children. Asia Rochon Fuqua, her daughter, and Brando Fuqua, her son, are her two children. Lela and her beloved husband, Antoine Fuqua, had two children together. Back in 1999, the lovely pair tied the knot. Lela is also the stepmother of Zachary Fuqua, a child from her husband’s previous relationship.
Not only that, but when Lela Rochon’s son Brando attends movie premieres and award ceremonies with his parents and brothers, he attracts media attention. Lela Rochon’s 15-year-old kid is in his early high school years. However, no information about his education has been released.
Lela Rochon’s Children is the meaning of the name.
Asia Rochon Fuqua: Asia is the global name for the country of sunrise, and it literally means “eastern land.”
Brando Fuqua is an Italian-American male given name. “Brilliantly raven; Fiery torch; beacon” is the meaning of the name.
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